How To Join The First Fight and Win Armor NFTs Through XY Finance

KCC will start the third round of Beowulf activity — The First Fight, at 10:00 on October 17, 2022 (UTC). After completing the specified swap tasks, you will have the opportunity to obtain armor NFTs. A single address can obtain up to 2 limited NFTs.

We’re delighted to share that we have now been part of a brand new co-hosted campaign, the “KCC Beowulf Campaign,” for all XYers and the KCC community. XY Finance has long been committed to offering the best choice on the means of bridging tokens. So, if you want to bridge the KCC and share more prizes from the Beowulf Campaign, don’t miss out on this rare opportunity!

What is XY Finance?

XY Finance is a cross-chain interoperability protocol aggregating DEXs and Bridges. With the ultimate routing across multi-chains, borderless and seamless swapping is just one click away.

How To Complete XY Finance’s Exclusive Tasks?

Swap at least $20 worth of any token on KCC! 

To be more specific, participants must meet the requirement of swapping tokens equivalent to at least $20 minimum tokens on KCC via our X Swap during the campaign to gain the necessary qualifications. After completing swaps on KCC. 

Eligible trading pairs

  • All swaps on KCC will be included in volume calculations.
  • Only eligible swaps are completed during the event period, subject to the KCC’s Beowulf Campaign schedule. 

Join Now

Note that the following operations on XY Finance will NOT be accounted for in the tickets:

  • The status “Completed” is not displayed for your cross-chain transfers
  • Swaps that do not happen on the KCC
  • Transfers made that fall outside the span of the campaign (before the campaign starts or after it ends)
  • LP operations, such as adding liquidity, removing liquidity, or aggregating liquidity before the campaign ends

How to Swap on KCC:

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of making a swap with the best price on KCC so that you can easily complete XY Finance’s swap task.

Step 1: Visit XY Finance’s X Swap page

XY Finance is a one-stop cross-chain swap aggregator, allowing users to directly buy KCS and other tokens on KCC with the best price in one transaction only. Currently, XY Finance supports 14 EVM chains, including Ethereum, BSC, Fantom, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Avalanche C-Chain, Cronos, KCC, ThunderCore, Astar, Moonriver, Klaytn, and Cube.

Step 2: Click the “Connect to a Wallet” button.

Before you explore the straightforward features offered by XY Finance, you will need to connect your wallet. XY Finance currently supports MetaMask, BitKeep Wallet, and WalletConnect, on desktop browsers, with more types of wallets supported on mobile. Here, we will use BitKeep Wallet to demonstrate XY Finance’s smooth and fast KCC transfer service. 

Step 3: Choose the token you want to swap and the token you want to receive on the KCC. 

DISCLAIMER: This is a community post written by XY Finance and published on Please note that all projects and dApp applications running on the KuCoin Community Chain (KCC) are independently developed by third-party developers. They are not audited by the KCC official team. All opportunities and risks also exist at the same time. Therefore, you need to identify and prevent risks carefully.